The design of books in their artistic context is the focus of the work of the Italian designer Enrico Bravi, who has lived in Vienna since 2000. As his designs are strictly developed out of the contents of a book, his intense investigations of each topic take him first to libraries and then back to his own studio. Bravi’s work is hallmarked by its conceptual rigour and a careful workmanship that gives every book an almost unique status. In addition to this, one is struck by his ability to dynamise the comparatively static medium of the book, a process which is much helped by his background as a multimedia designer. In his current publication “Image Machine. Andy Warhol & Photography” he arranges the photos as a continuous string of images before a changing coloured background which almost gives the book the role of a lightbox. Another work which gives a fitting insight into a working process is the website that Bravi designed for the Dutch “Werkplaats Typografie” where he studied for his Masters Degree between 2005 and 2007. The projects are presented on the homepage like documents on a drawing board whose organisation can - in keeping with the collaborative spirit of the school - be changed at any time by the user.