The development and establishment of as well as the desire to maintain humanism; human rights and especially the recognition of the dignity and equality of all human beings; freedom, democracy, philosophy and justice; peace and DIVERSITY; the sheer number of cultures, landscapes, animals and plants in such a small space - this can all be experienced with extraordinary intensity without travelling very far.
This design is driven by the idea of using the colours of national flags to represent, in a small space, this variety, difference and multiculturedness which makes Europe what it is.
The work of the Munich-based designer Stephanie Krieger who, together with Maximilian Sztatecsny from Graz, runs the office ks_visuell in Vienna and, since 2007 in Munich, is notable for its fine typographical perfection and conceptual stringency as well as for the refinement of its detailing and the coherence of its overall design. Krieger sees her role as a graphic designer as that of a translator of content into various visual domains who represents leitmotifs and relationships by placing a special emphasis on individual aspects thereof. This work is characterised by its technical excellence and wide design vocabulary – especially with regards to the haptic qualities of materials and the variability of forms. The high demands which the studio is known to place on itself and its unquestionable cultural competence make it a preferred partner for cultural institutions, artists and architects and ks_visuell has long made its influence felt on, for example, the appearance of the Architekturzentrum Wien and the graphic design of the Wiener Festwochen. Stephanie Krieger’s design of the publication about the Dominikuszentrum in Munich is notable for the subtlety of the relationships between letters and images and the book and the building. Hence it encapsulates a central design quality of the multiple award-winning team.