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Marke Österreich
Jutta Wacht
Austro Outburst

in Land, aus dem kulturelle Erneuerung, Kreativität und Weltoffenheit geradezu herausquillt, bleibt scheinbar dennoch einem grauen Hintergrund geschichtlicher Unaufgeräumtheit und zaghafter Identitätsfindung anhaftend. Es wäre schön zu sehen, wenn sich dieser Rahmen von Resten überholter Rührseligkeiten auflösen könnte und ein Land sichtbar wird, das sein Nationalbewusstsein und seinen historischen Hintergrund mit einer Selbstverständlichkeit nach außen trägt, und somit einer modernen und pluralistischen Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts gerecht wird.

Jutta Wacht (*1978), Say Say Say, Inc.

The creation of short circuits between opposites – of confrontations between the elegant and the enigmatic, aesthetic refinement and destructive ambiguity and glamour and irony - is characteristic of the work of Jutta Wacht. The Paris-trained graphic designer creates suggestive visual worlds for clients from the fields of fashion, lifestyle and art which, for all their conceptual sophistication, always still manage to celebrate the unconscious. In 2011, Jutta Wacht was one of three founders of Say Say Say, Inc., the agency of which she is now Art Director. Based in Vienna and Paris and with a further office in New York, the team takes on classic agency commissions with the aim of making productive use of the influences of all three cities in the process of developing correspondingly unconventional solutions. The corporate and packaging design for “embue - life balance formulas” combines clear typography with an associative level of images which plays with both the packaging as an object and with its photographic representation. Similarly referential is the catalogue for the bilingual Parisian illustrator Edouard Baribeaud which both underlines and encrypts the bilingual dimension of the work by using it is the basis for a specially developed font.