The seven, halo-like rays from the crown of the Statue of Liberty (a present from the French to the Americans) which, amongst other things, symbolise the sun have been replaced here by the stars of Europe. Twelve stars from Europe’s flag, loosely arranged in reference to the individuality of the member states. The hair of the figure resembles a flaming torch, which communicates the message that it is freedom that illuminates Europe. It is also a symbol of progress.
In place of saffron blossom, the bull holds a star in its mouth. This appears like a kiss. For what we love about Europe – aside from freedom and progress – is openness, beauty and tradition.
The Viennese Lo Breier is an art director in the full sense of the term and, hence, fulfils a role which he himself has done much to establish in the German-speaking parts of Europe. As a designer, he belongs to a generation of the profession which very consciously understand the comprehensive nature of its role. Thus, he not only designed but also helped to found and determine the content of such magazines as “Wiener” and “Tempo” which, alongside being so innovative did much to set the tone of the 1980s and 90s. The success and influence of these magazines owed much not only to their powerful, strongly photographic and typographic visual language but also to a tense dramaturgy, which Breier developed specifically for every edition. Although he is highly involved in newspaper design – he is responsible for, amongst other things, the layout of the weekly magazine “News” - he also applies himself to such challenges as the redesign of the television channel ARD or the creation of the memorable logo for documenta X in 1997.
Since 2007, Lo Breier has worked for “Bild am Sonntag” in Berlin, where he has once again demonstrated his abilities to both grab the attention of a mass public and work as part of a team. This latter quality can also be seen in his contribution to this competition which was developed in partnership with the Berlin designer Sina Otto (*1980).